Registration Process 2020

Your registration requires approval that you meet the minimum Pilot Entry Requirements for the British Paragliding Open Competitions 2020.

Approved pilots will be invited to pay for each competition according to pilot rank (see below).

Your place at a competition is not confirmed until we have received your payment for the competition. The Pilot Lists show the current status of your registration.

Pilot Ranking

Pilots are listed for each competition in ranked order and confirmed entry to the competition will be prioritised based on rank.

Pilots will be ranked for each Open competition as follows:

‘Winter’ Open, Roldanillo, Colombia

  • British pilots will be ranked by date/time of registration (NOT date/time of payment).
  • Pilots of other nations will be ranked by their highest WPRS position in the past 2 years.
  • British pilots will be listed by rank first, followed by pilots of all other nations by rank. British pilots will be invited to pay first in ranked order, followed by pilots of other nations one week later, also in ranked order.

‘Championship’ Open, Le Grand-Bornand, France

  • Pilots will be ranked by their highest WPRS position in the past 2 years.
  • British pilots will be listed by rank first, followed by Dutch pilots by rank and finally pilots of all other nations by rank. British and Dutch pilots will be invited to pay first in ranked order, followed by pilots of other nations one week later, also in ranked order.

IMPORTANT: When you register for a competition, if you do not enter your ‘correct’ FAI and CIVL numbers then you will not be ranked correctly. Note: if you are a British pilot your FAI number is your BHPA number. Also when you register you will be required to enter your ‘FAI Sporting Licence Nationality’. This is not another nationality you happen to hold, nor is it where you were born, or where you currently live, but is the country that issued your Sporting Licence (‘United Kingdom’ for BHPA issued licences).

Once a competition is full, pilots will be added to a waiting list and then if a place becomes available it will be offered to the next highest ranked pilot on the list. The pilot will receive an email from us inviting them to pay their entry fee and will have 1 week to do so before the place is offered to the next highest ranked pilot on the list.


The entry fee for 2020 will be £245 for each Open competition.

Fees and dates will be strictly adhered to. Payments are made on our website via PayPal with a Credit Card, Debit Card, or using your own PayPal account. PayPal uses data encryption for the protection of your card details. The pilot entry fee includes the fee charged by PayPal for administering your online payment. We do NOT accept cheques or American Express. If you wish to pay for more than one person’s entry fee on-line you must do so logged-in as each pilot.

If you are offered a place at a competition venue, at the start of the competition, then you must pay your pilot entry fee in cash, in the local currency.

The pilot entry fee for each competition is set according to the real cost of organising and hosting the competition. We do not aim to make a profit.

Please Contact Us if you have a difficulty making payment.


For each competition entered, any pilot who cancels their registration will be given a refund as follows:

  • Cancellation date more than 60 days before competition start date: 50% refund
  • Cancellation date between 60 and 30 days before competition start date: 30% refund
  • Cancellation date less than 30 days before competition start date: 0% refund

The following caveat applies:

  • Any pilot proving (with medical certificate) incapacity to compete through illness/injury should Contact Us the British Paragliding Competitions Panel as soon as possible. Any refund, if appropriate, will be decided by the British Paragliding Competitions Panel. Refunds will NOT be issued to ill/injured pilots cancelling within 7 days of the start of a competition regardless of personal circumstances, rather pilots should contact their travel insurance provider for advise on any compensation due.

Cancellation of a Competition by the Organisation

In the event the organisers deem it necessary to cancel, relocate, or reschedule the competition before the first scheduled day you will be entitled to a refund of any entry fees paid to the organisers.

After the start of the competition any refunds will be at the sole discretion of the organisers.

The organisers will not be liable for any costs incurred by anyone attending, or intending to attend the event, or any consequential losses arising from the cancellation, relocation, or rescheduling of the event.