Team GB

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British Paragliding Team Selection

The agreed system of selecting the British Paragliding Team, as detailed below, is effective, without change, until the completion of the European Championship 2016, after which it will be reviewed at the end of 2016 to ensure it continues to find our best possible pilots.

Team selection is calculated here.

Selection is automatically given to the top two (of one gender) plus one (of the opposite gender) in WPRS. The rest will be selected on single highest competition WPRS score as published on the FAI website here three months before the start date of the CAT1 event.

Our selection criteria has evolved in line with recent scoring changes at CAT1 events, i.e. World Championship and European Championship. Our motivation for change – to ensure we get the best representation from our most “in form” and “current” pilots to represent Britain at CAT1 events.

CAT1 events have now changed to FTV scoring (Fixed Total Validation) and it is clear this format favours racers as opposed to averagely consistent pilots. We have also recognised that with our old criteria we were losing skillful competitors, as it takes a lot of time to maintain a high average score over four comps, as is currently used to determine the WPRS (World Paragliding Ranking System). Finally we wanted a system that would collectively raise our game as our most ambitious and competitive pilots aim to secure their team place.

Due to increased allocated team sizes at CAT1 events since 2012 and resulting financial pressure on the Panel to fully fund a larger British team, the following will be effective for the European Championship 2016:

  • The scoring team plus one reserve must pay a non-refundable contribution of £300 to secure their team place
  • The fees for flights, accommodation, entry, team clothing and minibus will be paid by the Panel
  • Non scoring team members may attend, but will have to fund themselves, except for team clothing. They do not have to use the scoring team selected accommodation, but may choose to do so if space is available.