British Sports Championships 2021, Gemona, Italy

The BHPA Panel had its annual end of year meeting yesterday (a virtual meeting, of course), and discussed the coming season.

A number of decisions were taken, of which we will make announcements in the coming weeks.

First though, I am pleased to tell you of a brand new initiative by the panel. I would like to introduce you to the British Paragliding Sports Championships!


This event is for Sports wings only. That is EN-A to EN-C. That is not to say we will be excluding the top British pilots. But they must turn up on a Sports class wing in order to compete.

The venue for the first event is Gemona, in Italy. It was a massive success the first time the British went there, although I am sure there also also memories of the second time we went, with the rain. But to ensure maximum success this time, we have booked much later in the season, in the dry period, 1st – 7th August.

For those that do not know the venue, it is in northern Italy, just 1 hour from Venice Airport, and with toll free roads from Calais to Italy, via Germany/Austria.

For BHPA members, providing they pay early, there will be a 25% subsidy from the BHPA. That is a £60 discount on the entry fee. But be quick to secure the offer.

This year the registration will be exclusively on Airtribune. Please go to the following for further information.

You can register from Saturday evening, 6pm (UK time). Be quick as the order you register defines who gets offered a place!


Will there still be a Sports Class in the main Championships?
Yes, you can still compete in that event on a Sports wing

Will there still be a champion in the main Champs for Sports Class?
No. The Sports Champion will now be derived from this event.

I am not British, but I live in the UK and I am a BHPA member. Will I get the discount?
Yes. The discount is for BHPA members who hold a British Sporting Licence, and would usually live in the UK.

What if the event is cancelled due to COVID?
If the event is cancelled for any reason, we will refund all but £20, to cover admin, right up to 7 days before the event starts.

I usually fly a CCC wing. Can I enter?
Yes, but you must do so on a Sports class wing

Is this going to be an annual event?
This event is the first time organising. It is a test event to gauge the interest. The survey the panel did suggested that around 120 BHPA pilots would come. Lets see if they do. It is the panels intention for it to be a permanent feature.

What qualification do I need?
You must be BHPA Pilot rated (or IPPI4+), and you must have competed in at least one competition before. This is the MINIMUM. We also recommend having done an SIV course, and have experience flying in the Alps. This event is NOT intended to be a low level competition, nor a competition for training. It is a serious competition. However, the racing will be slower than in the main Championships as we will not have the 2-liners leading the course.

How will selection be done?
BHPA members will get a 7 day advantage to register and pay, to a maximum of 75 pilots. Thereafter it is open to all nationalities. Places will be offered to BHPA members that qualify by order of registration, in the first 7 days of registration. Thereafter it will be by WPRS ranking.